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Reciprocal Learning for Cross-Cultural Mathematics Education

Reciprocal Learning for Cross-Cultural Mathematics Education

A Partnership Project Between Canada and China

vonZhu, Sijia Cynthia | Xie, Shu | Ma, Yunpeng | McDougall, Douglas
Englisch, Erscheinungstermin 15.12.2020


128,39 €
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139,09 €
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Informationen zum Titel

PDF mit digitalem Wasserzeichen
XXIX, 328 p. 24 illus., 6 illus. in color.
4086 kB
Mathematik, Curricula: Planung und Entwicklung, Bildungssysteme und -strukturen, Fachspezifischer Unterricht, Lehrerausbildung, Pädagogik
1. General & Education Context in Ontario, Canada and Mainland China.- 2. Mathematics Teacher Education in Ontario, Canada and Mainland China.- 3. Mathematics Curriculum in Ontario, Canada and Mainland China.- 4. Mathematics Resources in Ontario, Canada and Mainland China.- 5. Mrs. Smith and Mr. Jun's Reciprocal Learning Partnership.- 6. Professional Development in Mathematics Education through Reciprocal Learning:The Case of Mrs. Yang and Ms. Ko.- 7. Mathematics Teachers' Perspectives on Effective Learning Through Reflections on their Experiences in a Canada-China Learning Partnership.- 8. Reciprocal Learning Between Chinese and Canadian Middle School Mathematics Teachers.- 9. Analysis of Students' Systematic Errors and Teaching Strategies for 3-digit Multiplication.- 10. Utilizing Multiple Methods in Mathematics Problem Solving: Contrasts and Commonalities between Two Canadian and Chinese Elementary Schools.- 11. Research on the Teaching of Understanding Mathematics Problems in Elementary Schools.- 12. The Use of Manipulatives for Teaching Fractions in Two Canadian and Chinese Elementary Schools: A Comparative Research Analysis.- 13. A Canadian Elementary Teachers Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Teaching: From the Perspective of a Chinese Researcher.- 14. Meaningful and Sustainable Mathematics Education for Students of Indigenous and Ethnic Minority Cultural Backgrounds in Canada and China.- 15. A Case Study of the Change of Teacher's Teaching Belief Based on International Understanding.- 16. Mathematics as a Cultural Role Player in School Development: Perspectives from the East and West.

This edited volume examines new ways of teaching mathematics through a cross-cultural reciprocal learning project between sister schools in Canada and China. Situating teacher learning in the intersection of the two different school systems, curriculums, and cultures of mathematics learning and teaching in both nations, this volume offers teachers a unique and much-needed perspective on how practices between countries become more and more likely shaped by each other in the emerging global society. Born out of a comparative study project sponsored by the SSHRC, this volume compiles five years' worth of findings from reciprocal partnerships between researchers, teachers, school administrators, and students from both nations. Through the process of reciprocal learning and narrative inquiry, the research described in these chapters illuminates the unknown and shares newly-created mathematics education knowledge.
Sijia Cynthia Zhu is a sessional lecturer in the Graduate Teacher Education program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada.  Her research and project management work focus on curriculum and teacher development in the area of elementary science, mathematics, and technology. Shu Xie is Associate Professor and Associate Director of the School of Primary Education in the Faculty of Education at Northeast Normal University, China. Her scholarship and teaching focuses on primary teacher education and pedagogical content knowledge. Yunpeng Ma is Senior Professor in the Education Department at Northeast Normal University, China, and Deputy Director of the National Basic Education Experiment Center. His scholarship focuses mainly on mathematics education and curriculum. Douglas McDougall is Professor of Mathematics Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE),University of Toronto, Canada. His scholarship and teaching focuses on mathematics teaching and learning, the professional learning of teachers, technology-supported learning, and academic leadership.

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