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Cochise of Arizona

Cochise of Arizona

vonLa Farge, Oliver
Englisch, Erscheinungstermin 20.01.2014
8,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)
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This is the true story, told in fictional form, of one of the greatest of all American Indian chiefs, Cochise of the Chiricahua Apaches. Indians were once thought of as warlike, and the encroaching white men as wanting peace, but it was the white men who forced Cochise into war against his will. History tells us that Cochise and his tiny band of warriors not only held the United States Army at bay for more than ten years, but they were often on the offensive. It is a heroic and extraordinary story. The story ends with the equally extraordinary way in which peace was made, when Major General Howard, the bible-reading soldier, and Cochise, the religious-minded warrior, found that they could trust each other. The many illustrations are by L. F. Bjorklund, well-known for the accuracy of his interpretation of Indian scenes.
Born in 1901, OLIVER HAZARD PERRY LA FARGE is ranked among the literary lions of American Southwestern letters. Since his death in 1963, his reputation has continued to grow and new honors have been added to his name. Laughing Boy, a novel of Navajo life, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1930, putting his name in lights before he was 30. His books include "Behind the Mountains," "Raw Material: The Autobiographical Examination of an Artist's Journey into Maturity," "A Pause in the Desert and Other Stories," "The Enemy Gods," "The Man With the Calabash Pipe," and "The Mother Ditch," all available from Sunstone press.

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