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Rejecting the Marginalized Status of Minority Languages

Rejecting the Marginalized Status of Minority Languages

Educational Projects Pushing Back Against Language Endangerment

vonSherris, Ari | Penfield, Susan D.
Englisch, Erscheinungstermin 20.11.2019
38,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)
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This book explores Indigenous, tribal and minority (ITM) language education in oral and written communication and in the use of new technologies and online resources for pedagogical purposes. It brings together examples of ITM language education that are challenging the forces that flatten ‘languacultures’ into...

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Ethnische Gruppen und multikulturelle Studien, Bildungsstrategien und -politik, Anthropologie
Foreword: Gerald Roche            Chapter 1. Ari Sherris & Susan Penfield: Aspiring to Strength and Possibility for Indigenous, Tribal, and Minoritized Languages, Cultures, Bodies, and Lands: An Introduction Chapter 2. Colleen Alena O’Brien: The Challenges of Kamsá Language Revitalization in Colombia Chapter 3. Tania Ka‘ai: Okea Ururoatia [Fight Like a Shark]: The Regeneration of Native Māori Language Speakers in Aotearoa New Zealand Chapter 4. Annika Pasanen: Becoming a New Speaker of Saami Language Through Intensive Adult Education Chapter 5. Douglas McNaught: From Mountains to Megabytes: The Digital Revolution in Indigenous Language Education in Taiwan Chapter 6. Robert Teare: “Manx? That Was Never a Real Language!” Chapter 7. Joan A. Argenter & Virginia Unamuno: An Ethno-Educational Project with Wichi Communities in Argentina: Acquiring Language-in-Culture Knowledge from Traditional Practices Chapter 8. Kū Kahakalau: Place-based Liberatory Education with Aloha for an Independent Hawai’i  Chapter 9. Ari Sherris: Situated Safaliba Practices in School Literacies That Resist Dominant Discourses in Ghana Coda: Teresa McCarty
This book explores Indigenous, tribal and minority (ITM) language education in oral and written communication and in the use of new technologies and online resources for pedagogical purposes. It brings together examples of ITM language education that are challenging the forces that flatten ‘languacultures’ into artefacts of history.
This book explores Indigenous, tribal and minority (ITM) language education in oral and/or written communication and in the use of new technologies and online resources for pedagogical purposes in diverse geopolitical contexts. It demonstrates that ITM language education transpires in both formal and informal spaces for children or adults and that sometimes these spaces are online, where they become de-territorialized discourses of teaching and learning.’ The volume brings together examples of ITM language education that are challenging the forces that flatten ‘languacultures’ into artefacts of history. It also examines the economic and material realities of the people who live in and through their ‘languacultures’, or who aspire to do as much. The book will be useful for educators and all those interested in Indigenous and minority language issues, as well as for a wide range of undergraduate, graduate and research contexts where topics of language education and minority rights are the focus.
Ari Sherris is Associate Professor of Bilingual Education, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA. His research interests include Indigenous language revitalization, documentation, ethnography, autoethnography and complex social semiotics. He is coeditor of Making Signs, Translanguaging Ethnographies (Multilingual Matters, 2018). Susan D. Penfield is Affiliate Faculty in the Department of Linguistics, University of Montana and University of Arizona, USA. Her research interests include Indigenous language policy and planning, revitalization, documentation and interdisciplinary research.

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